Off-Line Installation of AGX and OpenPLX with Associated Python Packages
This file contains information on how to install AGX on a computer missing internet access, ie missing access.
To ensure that you have the correct version of AGX check Prerequisites at Get OpenPLX. In most cases it should be the AGX version supported by the latest version of OpenPLX. You can download AGX from Algoryx Downloads.
Download the AGX installation file and copy it to your offline computer.
Make sure you have pip>=21.3 by running python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
, pip older than 21.3 does not support editable installs with pyproject.toml and will fail. On Windows the bundled python comes with a compatible pip version.
Installing AGX with Python
Begin the AGX installation process according to the installations instructions found here NOTE: You should adjust the link to the AGX version you are using.
Note that the final step of the installation will fail because the installation package will not be able to download Python packages. This is ok for now.
Test that AGX is working by opening the AGX command prompt and typing:
agxViewer --version
Install AGX Python Package Dependencies
The Python packages that AGX depends on are listed in the file %AGX_DATA_DIR%/python/requirements.txt
for Linux and OSX) . These are the Python packages that can’t be installed from when offline and therefore you have to download them on a computer with internet access and copy the wheels to a temporary folder on the offline computer.
Below is the list as of 2024-06-26, for AGX
Packages are managed using pip and can be pre-downloaded using this command on an online computer: python -m pip download -r %AGX_DATA_DIR%/python/requirements.txt
(python -m pip download -r $AGX_DATA_DIR/python/requirements.txt
for Linux and OSX)
Install OpenPLX Python Package and Dependencies
To install OpenPLX version 0.8.10 you need these Python packages:
One way to create that list for your version of OpenPLX is using pipdeptree, do this on the computer with internet access:
pip install pipdeptree
pipdeptree -p agx-openplx
Create a text file openplx-dep-file.txt
containing these libraries to simplify the next step.
NOTE: Do not include the agx==
dependency in the file - it comes with the agx installation already performed!
Now download the packages with the command:
python -m pip download --no-deps -r openplx-dep-file.txt
Copy all wheel files to a temporary directory on the offline computer. Open the AGX command prompt on your offline computer and run the commands:
On Windows:
python -m pip install -e %AGX_DATA_DIR%/agx-pypi
python -m pip install --no-index --find-links=<PATH TO WHEEL FOLDER> -r openplx-dep-file.txt
On Linux and OSX:
python -m pip install -e $AGX_DATA_DIR/agx-pypi
python -m pip install --no-index --find-links=<PATH TO WHEEL FOLDER> -r openplx-dep-file.txt
You should see the line “Successfully installed agx-openplx-0.15.0”, but with your version instead of 0.15.0.
You may now try openplx_view
or python3 -m openplx.openplx_view
to verify successful installation.