AutomaticClutch is ManualClutch: with Physics.Signals.DurationInputTrait with Physics.Signals.DurationOutputTrait .doc: """ Extends the manual clutch with an automatic engage/disengage feature. engagement_duration determine how long it takes to go from fully open to fully engaged, while the disengagement_duration determine the time for disengagement. The boolean ClutchEngageInput is used to engage and disengage the clutch. When using the automatic feature the engagement_fraction parameter is irrelevant. The automatic clutch is engaged by sending true on the engage_input, and disengaged by sending false. initially_engaged will tell wether the clutch is engaged or not before any signal has been sent. """ engagement_duration is Real: 0.1 disengagement_duration is Real: 0.1 initially_engaged is Bool: false engage_input is Physics.Signals.EngageInput: source: this engaged_output is Physics.Signals.EngagedOutput: enabled: false source: this engagement_duration_input is DriveTrain.Signals.AutomaticClutchEngagementDurationInput: source: this engagement_duration_output is DriveTrain.Signals.AutomaticClutchEngagementDurationOutput: source: this enabled: false disengagement_duration_input is DriveTrain.Signals.AutomaticClutchDisengagementDurationInput: source: this disengagement_duration_output is DriveTrain.Signals.AutomaticClutchDisengagementDurationOutput: source: this enabled: false