CombustionEngine is Physics.Interactions.Interaction1DOF: with Physics.Signals.Torque1DOutputTrait with Physics.Signals.FractionInputTrait .doc: """ 'displacement_volume' represents the engine's total displacement volume, essentially, the combined volumes of all its cylinders. 'max_torque' indicates the maximum brake torque that the engine can supply, either for brief or sustained periods. 'max_torque_RPM' is the crankshaft rotation speed at which the maximum allowable torque is produced. 'max_power_RPM' is the rotational speed of the crankshaft when the engine is delivering its maximum rated power. 'idle_RPM' refers to the speed of the idle crankshaft; it's the speed at which the engine runs when it's not working. 'crank_shaft_inertia' is the internal inertia of the engine The default values are chosen from Figure 1-11, Pulkabek2004, Engineering fundamentals of the internal combustion engine. The initial_throttle is a value between 0-1, where 0 is no throttle, and 1 is max throttle. """ displacement_volume is Real: 0.0074 max_torque is Real: 556 max_torque_RPM is Real: 3200 max_power_RPM is Real: 4200 idle_RPM is Real: 1000 crank_shaft_inertia is Real: 2.0 initial_throttle is Real: 0.0 min_effort: 0 max_effort: max_torque torque_output is Physics.Signals.Torque1DOutput: source: this enabled: false throttle_input is Physics.Signals.FractionInput: source: this