GearBox is Physics1D.Interactions.Mate: with Physics.Signals.Torque1DOutputTrait with Physics.Signals.IntInputTrait with Physics.Signals.IntOutputTrait .doc: """ The GearBox is a rotational coupling between two RotationalBodies. It has two defined lists of gears, one for forward and one for reverse gears. It always has one neutral gear, which is selected with zero as initial_gear or input signal. The forward and reverse gear lists could include additional neutral gears, but it is not recommended. Only the absolute value of the gear ratios will be considered, the sign is defined by the list membership. The current gear defines a relationship between the rotational speeds of the bodies using a specified gear ratio. A positive initial_gear or input signal will select a gear from the forward_gear list. A negative initial_gear or input signal will select a gear from the reverse_gear list. Zero initial_gear or input signal will put the gear in neutral. The model supports flexibility and energy dissipation features. """ forward_gears is Real[] reverse_gears is Real[] initial_gear is Int: 0 flexibility is Physics.Interactions.Flexibility.DefaultFlexibility dissipation is Physics.Interactions.Dissipation.DefaultDissipation torque_output is Physics.Signals.Torque1DOutput: source: this enabled: false gear_selection_input is Physics.Signals.IntInput: source: this gear_selection_output is Physics.Signals.IntOutput: source: this enabled: false