AffineTransform: .doc: """ A transform that can represent any combination of translation, rotation, and scale from_axes - Returns a transform that 1: rotates from a pair (main = Z, normal = X) to a new pair (new_Z, new_X), and 2: translates to position. Observe that new_X must not be parallell to new_Z in order for the result to be correct. If new_X is not orthogonal to new_Z, new_X will be projected onto the plane orthogonal to new_Z. """ position is Vec3 rotation is Quat static fn create() -> AffineTransform static fn from(p: Vec3, r: Quat) -> AffineTransform static fn from_axes(new_Z: Vec3, new_X: Vec3, position: Vec3) -> AffineTransform static fn inverse_of(p: Vec3, r: Quat) -> AffineTransform fn inverse() -> AffineTransform fn transform_vec3_point(in: Vec3) -> Vec3 fn transform_vec3_vector(in: Vec3) -> Vec3 operator *(lhs: AffineTransform, rhs: AffineTransform) -> AffineTransform