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# The elements are on row-major order, i.e. the first index represents the row
# and the second the column.
# [ e00 e01 e02 ]
# [ e10 e11 e12 ]
# [ e20 e21 e22 ]
    # row 0
    e00 is Real: 1.0
    e01 is Real: 0.0
    e02 is Real: 0.0
    # row 1
    e10 is Real: 0.0
    e11 is Real: 1.0
    e12 is Real: 0.0
    # row 2
    e20 is Real: 0.0
    e21 is Real: 0.0
    e22 is Real: 1.0

    static fn from_row_major(r0c0: Real, r0c1: Real, r0c2: Real, r1c0: Real, r1c1: Real, r1c2: Real, r2c0: Real, r2c1: Real, r2c2: Real) -> Matrix3x3
    static fn from_rows(r0: Real[], r1: Real[], r2: Real[]) -> Matrix3x3
    static fn from_columns(c0: Real[], c1: Real[], c2: Real[]) -> Matrix3x3
    static fn diag(x: Real, y: Real, z: Real) -> Matrix3x3

operator +(lhs: Matrix3x3, rhs: Matrix3x3) -> Matrix3x3
operator -(lhs: Matrix3x3, rhs: Matrix3x3) -> Matrix3x3
operator *(lhs: Matrix3x3, rhs: Matrix3x3) -> Matrix3x3
operator *(lhs: Matrix3x3, rhs: Vec3) -> Vec3