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    .doc: """
angle_between_vectors      - Expects two vectors in the same plane and a third vector orthogonal to that plane.
                             Returns the angle between the two first vectors in radians in the range -PI to PI.
normal                     - Returns a normalized version of the vector
get_orthogonal_unit_vector - Returns a vector orthogonal to the current vector, i.e. a possible normal to the current vector.

    x is Real: 0
    y is Real: 0
    z is Real: 0

    static fn X_AXIS() -> Vec3
    static fn Y_AXIS() -> Vec3
    static fn Z_AXIS() -> Vec3
    static fn from_xyz(x: Real, y: Real, z: Real) -> Vec3
    fn length() -> Real
    fn normal() -> Vec3
    fn dot(rhs: Vec3) -> Real
    fn cross(rhs: Vec3) -> Vec3
    fn get_orthogonal_unit_vector() -> Vec3
    static fn angle_between_vectors(vector1: Math.Vec3, vector2: Math.Vec3, rot_vector: Math.Vec3) -> Real

# Operator overloads
operator +(lhs: Vec3, rhs: Vec3) -> Vec3
operator -(lhs: Vec3, rhs: Vec3) -> Vec3
operator *(lhs: Real, rhs: Vec3) -> Vec3
operator *(lhs: Vec3, rhs: Real) -> Vec3
operator *(lhs: Vec3, rhs: Vec3) -> Real
operator /(lhs: Vec3, rhs: Real) -> Vec3
operator -(operand: Vec3) -> Vec3