Value: .doc: """ Base for different types of values, e.g. for use in ValueOutputSignal """ IntValue is Value: .doc: """ Base for Values that are integers """ value is Int static fn create(value: Int) -> IntValue BoolValue is Value: .doc: """ Base for Values that are integers """ value is Bool static fn create(value: Bool) -> BoolValue RealValue is Value: .doc: """ Base for Values that are real numbers """ value is Real AngleValue is RealValue: static fn create(value: Real) -> AngleValue AngularVelocity1DValue is RealValue: static fn create(value: Real) -> AngularVelocity1DValue DistanceValue is RealValue: static fn create(value: Real) -> DistanceValue Force1DValue is RealValue: static fn create(value: Real) -> Force1DValue Velocity1DValue is RealValue: static fn create(value: Real) -> Velocity1DValue Torque1DValue is RealValue: static fn create(value: Real) -> Torque1DValue FractionValue is RealValue: static fn create(value: Real) -> FractionValue DurationValue is RealValue: static fn create(value: Real) -> DurationValue Vec3Value is Value: .doc: """ Base for Values that are real Vec3s """ value is Math.Vec3 Acceleration3DValue is Vec3Value: static fn create(value: Math.Vec3) -> Acceleration3DValue AngularAcceleration3DValue is Vec3Value: static fn create(value: Math.Vec3) -> AngularAcceleration3DValue AngularVelocity3DValue is Vec3Value: static fn create(value: Math.Vec3) -> AngularVelocity3DValue Force3DValue is Vec3Value: static fn create(value: Math.Vec3) -> Force3DValue Torque3DValue is Vec3Value: static fn create(value: Math.Vec3) -> Torque3DValue Velocity3DValue is Vec3Value: static fn create(value: Math.Vec3) -> Velocity3DValue Position3DValue is Vec3Value: static fn create(value: Math.Vec3) -> Position3DValue RPYvalue is Vec3Value: static fn create(value: Math.Vec3) -> RPYvalue