Inertia is Physics.Bodies.Inertia: .doc: """ The tensor is relative to the local center of mass defined by local_cm_transform in the body kinematics. It is recommended to use Physics3D.Inertia.symmetric_tensor to initalize Physics3D.Inertia.tensor. """ mass is Real: 0.0 tensor is Math.Matrix3x3: e00: 0.0 e10: 0.0 e20: 0.0 e01: 0.0 e02: 0.0 e11: 0.0 e21: 0.0 e12: 0.0 e22: 0.0 static fn symmetric_tensor(diag: Math.Vec3, e01_10: Real, e02_20: Real, e12_21: Real) -> Math.Matrix3x3