StructuralPlanarConnector is Physics3D.Charges.RedirectedMateConnector: .doc: """ The StructuralPlanarConnector is a RedirectedMateConnector for modeling in a plane. It can be used in combination with the StructuralPlane to conveniently model planar mechanical structures like crane arms or tracked system. The main_axis is always considered pointing in the normal direcion of the StructuralPlane, which is Z. The default normal direction is X, and the specified angle will rotate the normal direction around the main_axis. """ angle is Real: 0 x is Real: 0 y is Real: 0 main_axis: Math.Vec3.Z_AXIS() normal: Math.Quat.angle_axis(angle, main_axis).rotate(Math.Vec3.X_AXIS()) position: x: x y: y z: 0