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Hinge is Mate:
    with Physics.Signals.AngleOutputTrait
    with Physics.Signals.AngularVelocity1DOutputTrait
    .doc: """
    A hinge which constrain five degrees of freedom between two bodies.
    The rotation around the main axis of the two charges is free.
    The friction around the hinge axis may be specified.
    # SNAP will try to reposition connected body according to initial_angle
    initial_angle is Real: 0.0
    dissipation becomes Physics3D.Interactions.Dissipation.DefaultHingeDissipation
    flexibility becomes Physics3D.Interactions.Flexibility.DefaultHingeFlexibility
    toughness becomes Physics3D.Interactions.Toughness.DefaultHingeToughness
    friction is Physics.Interactions.Dissipation.DefaultFriction

    angle_output is Physics.Signals.AngleOutput:
        enabled: false
        source: this

    angular_velocity_output is Physics.Signals.AngularVelocity1DOutput:
        enabled: false
        source: this