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trait OrientedFrictionTrait:
    .doc: """
    The OrientedFrictionTrait is designed to model non-isotropic surface friction,
    meaning it allows for different frictional properties depending on direction.
    This trait modifies the friction model based on a specified primary_direction,
    making it adaptable to surfaces where directional friction is a factor.
    It is compatible with any DryFriction implementation that inherits from DefaultDryFriction.
    The friction in the primary_direction is determined by the coefficient from the DryFriction model,
    while the secondary_coefficient defines the friction in a secondary direction.
    This secondary direction is orthogonal to both the normal of the contact surface
    and the primary_direction.
    This trait is useful for modeling scenarios such as anisotropic surfaces or materials
    engineered to have specific directional friction properties.
    primary_direction is Math.Vec3
    secondary_coefficient is Real