# NOT NEEDED ANYMORE? # Move to Physics3D named ElasticDryFrictionModel PointwiseElasticityDryFrictionModel is Physics.Interactions.SurfaceContact.Model: .doc: """ The PointwiseElasticityDryFrictionModel is a surface constact definition. An elastic contact normal model with Coulomb friction. The stiffness of the elastic part defaults to half of the harmonic mean of the youngs modulus of the two interacting materials. The relaxation time defaults to maximum relaxation time of the two interacting materials. Mechanical damping capacity [Ns/m] defaults to the stiffness [N/m] multiplied with the relaxation time [s]. """ normal_flexibility becomes Physics.Interactions.SurfaceContact.PointwiseElasticity friction becomes Physics.Interactions.Dissipation.DefaultDryFriction