VelocityMotor is Physics.Interactions.Interaction1DOF: .doc: """ A velocity-driven motor provides precise and accurate control of speed and position. The gain of a velocity-driven motor can be defined as the ratio of the change in motor speed to the change in control input signal. It determines how responsive the motor output is to changes in the input signal, thus influencing the motor's performance. Generally, higher gain motors are faster and more responsive to changes in control signals, while lower gain motors are more stable but slower to act. The motor will always try to keep the specifed target_speed. If the zero_speed_as_spring is enabled, the motor will act as a spring when the target_speed is set to zero, with the gain value as the default elastic stiffness. charges are typically set to the charges of the Mate that the motor complement. """ gain is Real: 1e8 # target_speed in m/s target_speed is Real: 0.0 zero_speed_as_spring is Bool: false zero_speed_spring_flexibility is Physics.Interactions.Flexibility.LinearElastic: stiffness: gain zero_speed_spring_dissipation is Physics.Interactions.Dissipation.DefaultDissipation