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A Track system consist of one Belt and a list of RoadWheels. The track system is assumed to be in one plane, which is defined by the Vehicles.Tracks.System plane from the inheritance from the Physics3D.StructuralPlane definition. For reference there is an example in the agx-openplx reference implementation called one_tracked_vehicle.openplx.


The Belt will be routed around the RoadWheels in the road_wheels list of the Tracks.System. The belt will be routed in the plane defined by the first Sprocket in the road_wheels list. The primitives of the belt are defined by a link description. The one currently available is the BoxLinkDescription which used in the FixedLinkCountBelt defines a belt with a fixed number of boxes as links on the belt, independent of the length of the belt. The box size can be varied with a CyclicVariation to vary the height and width, either with a DiscretePulseVariation or a SinusodalVariation.

User Story 1: I have a CAD file where the road wheels are placed

Assume that the road wheel geometries are modeled in the same plane, and declare Vehicles.Tracks.RigidRoadWheel’s for the track system, referencing the bodies imported from CAD. No need to use the plane defined by the track system.

User Story 2: I like to define a track system with road wheels, making sure they end up in the same plane

Define the track system in for example the root file for a vehicle. The track system will then define a plane relative the vehicle. Use StructuralPlanarConnectors to define mate connectors in the tracks plane. Make sure the redirected_parent of the structural plane connectors point to the correct body which each roller should be hinged to. The road wheels will be snapped to the wanted plane, but possibly to different bodied.