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Bundles overview

OpenPLX implements a feature to package multiple .openplx files into a bundle. This is how we distribute OpenPLX physics. When building models that you want to distribute over multiple .openplx files it is also necessary to organize them in a local bundle. Local bundles can depend on other local bundles allowing reuse over multiple OpenPLX projects.

Creating a bundle

Creating a bundle is as easy as creating a config.openplx file in the root of your project:

config is BundleConfig:
    name: "MyBundle"

With this file present all .openplx files in that folder will share scope and can access models and attributes from each other.


Once you have a config.openplx in the root of you project you can put .openplx files nested in subdirectories. Each subdirectory implicitly creates a OpenPLX namespace with the same name as the folder.

  - MyNamespace/
    - stuff.openplx
  - config.openplx
  - scene.openplx

Everything in stuff.openplx is now accessible in every .openplx file in the bundle using the namespace MyNamespace. This could look something like this in scene.openplx:

RootModel is MyNamespace.SomeModel:
    # ...
    attribute is MyNamespace.SomeType

Further nesting is possible by adding directories and thereby creating subnamespaces.


If your bundle uses other bundles you will need to add a dependencies attribute to the BundleConfig in config.openplx:

config is BundleConfig:
    name: "MyBundle"
    dependencies: ["MyOtherBundle", "Physics3D", "Math"]


The BundleConfig supports a version attribute as well as specifying explicit versions on dependencies:

config is BundleConfig:
    name: "MyBundle"
    version: "1.0.0"
    dependencies: ["MyOtherBundle@0.1.2", "Physics3D@1.0.0", "Math@1.0.0"]

Adding a version is good practice since it tells users which openplx version your bundle is compatible with. Trying to load your bundle with the wrong openplx version will generate an error.