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Assignment syntax

When inheriting from a model it is fundamental to be able to override the expressions of the variables in the base class. In OpenPLX you can add assigments to a model to update variables in the base class. An assignment is added indented under a model by specifying the variable name followed by : and the new value/expression.

    x is Real: 0.0

ModelA is BaseModel:
    x: 2.0
    y is Real: 1.0

ModelB is ModelA:
    y: x + 2.0

This results in ModelB.x being 2.0 inherited from ModelA

Nested assignments

Often you will have variables of model type which in turn has variables of model type, which creates a tree of variables that are potential targets for assignment. There are two ways to assign a nested variable, either through an indented block of assignments or specifying the path to the specific variable my separating variable names with a dot (.).

    x is Real: 0.0
    y is Real

    nested is NestedModel:
        x: 1.0

    member is MemberModel:
        nested.x: 3.0
    member.nested.y: 5.0

MyModel is BaseModel:
        x: 4.0

MyModel.member.nested.x will be 4.0. Note also the alternative Syntax of BaseModel.member.bested.y which MyModel inherits to MyModel.member.nested.y


assignment → INDENT (IDENTIFIER ".")* IDENTIFIER ":" expression